about me

welcome to my webbed site!

You are in bliepbloep's domain!

But in all sillyness, hello there. I am a 22 year-old human, who likes an awful lot of things, things such as:

  • art and its history
  • writing in every format you can think of
  • books and everything to do with it
  • magic in its realest form
  • anarchy eventhough I suck at praxis
  • philosophy using nearly no sources next to my own mind
  • thinking, I just really like to think a lot
  • dark academia aesthetic which is very cringe
  • being so so dramatic
  • anime of course, although not as much as I used to
  • old pictures that are so, so neat
  • actually just a lot of old things in general
  • memes of every kind
  • breaking bad

I'll be studying literature soon, which I'm very hyped for!
For a very long time I had no idea what I was passionate about. I am always interested in a lot of things, and what those things are is constantly changing. However, I have nevr lost my love for books. So I have finally realised that maybe it wasn't the contents of the books that interested me, as much as the books themselves. I love to see how things are written, the influences of the author and the time, conscious and subconscious, the possibilities and limits of language, the choosing of words, everything about it really. Books are my greatest love.