about this site

I live in a world that is so fast paced I will never be able to keep up to it.

There are many reasons for making a site like this in a time like this. One of which, I assume, a lot of my fellow old school website owners share. It is a certain nostalgic worry, a try to hold on to the old ways of the internet, a slower time, which was so much more personal and distant at once. Social media is fast, coding a website and scrolling through those of others is so very slow. But it is slow in a most satisfying way. These personal sites show so much more than an instagram page every can. Bit by bit you unravel a small part of the inner workings of somebody's mind, bit by bit you discover what is worth so much to them, bit by bit you even find yourself in it. This medium is slow, and personal, and so close by, yet so far away. I personally don't think there is anything that can compare to it, and thus I too will participate.

But there is more, this is my personal website, and thus I have my personal reasons for owning it, creating it. At the moment I am in art school, but I will drop out at the end of the school year. I do not enjoy my schooling as I used to, which I am sure you can read about on another page. However, that is not why I made this site. I will drop out, because my hands do not function like they used to. It is very likely I suffer from rheumatism. This makes it impossible for me to continue my studies, but also to do a lot of other things that I do very much enjoy. I am an artist, and my hands don't work. I am a craftswoman, and my tools are forever broken. So I must find another way to express myself. Luckily for me I am a very multi-faceted person (a topic that will likely get a dedicated page at some time). Another thing I enjoy very much is writing, and the manipulation of language, I remain an artist through and through. And using a computer is something that I can still do, and quite possibly can keep doing for quite a while longer than I can my practical arts, so that is what I must do.

Is there still more? Yes of course! It is the best part of owning a website like this. The chance that hundreds of people will read this is incredibly small. This page will probably only be seen by a handful of people, which means that I can put whatever I want on this webbed site without ever wasting a single second thinking about what others might think of it. For the very simple reason that this will barely be read! Ah the freedom of the internet, nowhere to be found like this anymore. Except of course, right here right now.