
some of the poems I have written, the ones that do not betray all of my heart

The Willow
a poem in two parts
willow over the
frozen water
leaves on the
broken ice
a light coming
through your branches on this
winter night
grey sky encaptures
all around
not hearing a
single sound
my music ever loud

And now it's not freezing no more
Yet you're still standing strong
With a cigarette in my hand
You're still as beautiful
In a same winter night
But this time it is water
Surrounding you with the clouds
In a wet field of grass

Last night I had a dream

Last night I had a dream
Like I have had many before that
It was a nightmare
And I woke up with tears flowing from my eyes

It was a dream about failure,
And history
It was a dream about my mom
About how she forced everything that has scarred me so deeply
Onto me once again
And about, how after that, she was disappointed in me
Once more

It was a dream in which
All my wishes were discarded
A dream in which
All my fears were proven
A dream in which
Nothing I did was the right thing to do
A dream in which
There was so much noise

When I
Woke up
Tears were still collecting on my cheeks

The boy in the bus

I have seen you once
a long time ago, we have
met as strangers and

parted the same way
Sadly the time was wrong and
you're forever lost.

But I will forever remember your name,
such a terrible one you have
And I will forever remember your smile
and how it sparkles in your eyes
I will forever remember two flowers
tucked in your short, black hair
I will forever remember all the words you said to me
and none I said to you
And I will forever remember how you write
The only thing I own

Everyday I
hope we meet again, that fate
will reward my loss